Saturday, April 3, 2010

Life Begins, Again And Again.

Haven't been to this site for awhile, but now that I am taking my biggest leap yet into the unknown, I believe the time has come for me to start regularly posting a sort of on-line journal of what I am doing, my progress and setbacks as I continue on this path I have set up for myself.
Today I did a fair job of being productive, writing-wise, got two long-hand pages of my next story 'Earthquake Song', got some good stuff going with it, but more than that, I felt a more renewed sense of purpose and direction today despite a couple of days feeling apprehensive and adrift.
Yesterday I wrote out a list of the stories I have written before and would like to re-write, and it was something close to fifteen. And since most of my stories tend to be longer, in the twenty to thirty page range, that would be one fat book of stories if I stick with it and write every single day - if I can get up to a consistent five pages a day, that's a novel every 2-3 months. I know I am capable of producing that much, I just need to get my energy up and get used to really working at it for long stretches every day, and with me doing childcare the last couple of days, it has made it a little more difficult to do, but this next week, I expect to produce, a lot, so we shall see.
I see myself getting up, having a cup of coffee, walking to the gym, working out for an hour or two, coming back, eating breakfast then getting to work writing, going at it for several hours before taking a break to clean, do housework, maybe going out for a walk with the dogs. I return in the afternoon to write for three or four more hours before Brook and Ryan come home. Then, three to five times per week I go rock climbing, either indoors or out.
Anyway, that would be a pretty good day.